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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Holiday but not for sure


This week I have holiday for 7 days, it sounds nice but it's not exactly. Actually, I have enough time to go somewhere when I'm on vacation but it's not happen to me because after this vacation I'll face examination. So, I have to study, study, and study for along the vacation. But anyway, I don't need to worry about it because I'll handle it by writing something that according to me it's interesting.
honestly, I don't like to writing moreover I don't have some vocabulary to develop my language but from now on I'll try this. It doesn't such a difficult that you thought as you have desire so you will get what you want. haha my word is too wise.. :)

for smallest normal largest

So cute., we all from small till large has been settled by my God Allah SWT..
Kenapa jadi ga nyambung sama judul diatas yahh aduh.. memeang menulis tuh lumayan sulit yahh yang penting ada usaha dehh. pusing juga kalo terus-terusan dipikiran ini beber ga? itu nyambung ga?? weooow arrgh ,, yasudah lah jangan baca yang bagian akhirnya aja yahh udah puyeng nii mau nulis apa lagi. cukup sekian ajja deh..

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